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Where There’s a Will There’s a Segway

April 13th, 2007 · 2 Comments · Blogroll, Blogs, Comedy, Culture, TV

Will Arnett’s Magic HandsNew to the blogroll — check out The Will Arnett Research Project, which really does justice to the phrase “will power.” Because nobody on television wears a shorter bathrobe! (Well, except maybe David Duchovny on that one episode of The Larry Sanders Show, but that was so totally back in the Clinton Era before the start of recorded history.)

Ocelopotamus especially approves of the post about Will running his hands through Jason Bateman’s beautiful hair. Because as we’re sure you’ll agree, there are times when that scamp Jason just needs a really good tousling. And we admire Will for stepping up to the task and being the man who’s going to give Jason the kind of serious, go-for-broke, take-no-prisoners tousling he deserves.

Previously: 30 Rock Is Finally Starting To

UPDATE: WARP has the bathrobe video, for as long as it stays up on YouTube. “You warlock — you came to entrance me.”


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