
News, culture, and politics. Not necessarily in that order.

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Entries from May 29th, 2008

McClellan, Yellin, and the Press Under Pressure

May 29th, 2008 · 2 Comments · Foreign Policy, Journalism, Media, News, Politics, Video

Boy, Scottie McClellan’s decision to come clean — well, I say clean, I mean slightly less dirty — on his role as the Mouth of Sauron, and how the press corps passed along the White House’s propaganda to sell the invasion and occupation of Iraq, has really opened all sorts of floodgates. In addition to […]



Roundup: Spotty Jove and the Return of the Scottish Beaver Edition

May 27th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Comedy, Comics, Culture, Doctor Who, Fantasy, Film, LGBT, Meta, Nature, News, Politics, Racism, Science, Science Fiction, TV, Video

Some Tuesday-morning bagel bites for you … In case you’re wondering what Barack Obama might look like with a small engine or wind farm on his head … after being attacked by the Evil Spellbinder in the employ of certain right-leaning but largely illiterate online communities … well, just go read this for your morning […]



Judybats on Popdose, and First Judybats Album Reissued

May 26th, 2008 · 3 Comments · Blogs, Culture, LGBT, Music

John C. Hughes has a post about The Judybats up on Popdose.com, part of the “Why You Should Like … ” series. He doesn’t have to convince me — the ‘bats were arguably my favorite band of the 90s and it broke my little heart when they busted up the first time. When their debut […]



Saturday, May 24: The Relaunch of Planet Earth Chicago at Subterranean

May 15th, 2008 · Comments Off on Saturday, May 24: The Relaunch of Planet Earth Chicago at Subterranean · Chicago, Culture, Music, New Wave, News, Nightclubs, Planet Earth Chicago

Here’s another very fun event on the horizon: What are you doing next Saturday night? Feel like going New Wave dancing with some of the most flamboyant and fabulous Earthlings in Chicago, at a groovy new location? Here’s what I’m talking about: Some of you know that over the last eight years I’ve been heavily […]



Sunday, May 18: Wordslingers Poetry Radio Show

May 15th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Chicago, Culture, Fringe, Journal, Lit, Performance, Poetry

This Sunday evening, May 18, I’ll be appearing on the radio program Wordslingers. Wordslingers, hosted by Michael C. Watson, airs on the first and third Sundays of each and every month, and features Chicago-area poets reading their work and being interviewed live on the radio. You’d think there’d be a law against that kind of […]



Colbert on the O’Reilly Meltdown

May 14th, 2008 · Comments Off on Colbert on the O’Reilly Meltdown · Comedy, Culture, Journalism, Media, News, TV, Video

Sublime. Any comment would be superfluous.   And in case you haven’t seen it, the dance remix. Warning: Loud, crude, uncensored language, accompanied by a nifty techno beat. Lots of bad words that cultural conservatives might find objectionable, uttered by a conservative! Definitely not safe for work, kind of like the Falafel King himself.  



Wild Puppet: Kate Pierson Plays “Speed Quiz” on Pancake Mountain

May 8th, 2008 · Comments Off on Wild Puppet: Kate Pierson Plays “Speed Quiz” on Pancake Mountain · Comedy, Culture, Music, New Wave, TV, Video

Via the Planet X mailing list, here’s Ocelopotamus’s moment of video bliss for this week. I’m not familiar with Pancake Mountain, but all you really need to know is it’s Kate from The B-52’s and a goat puppet named Rufus Leaking.   And here’s the 411 on Pancake Mountain from Wikipedia. Sounds like a very […]



Mr. Fish on Obama-Wright, That Ad, and the Big Gas Tax Swindle

May 5th, 2008 · 2 Comments · Comics, Culture, Energy, Foreign Policy, Infrastructure, News, Politics, The Economy, Stupid, Video

The brilliance of Mr. Fish! I really need to start including him in my cartoon roundups. His take on Obama v. Wright is especially trenchant. I’m not necessarily saying that I absolutely agree with the cartoon’s comically reductive expression of certain religious beliefs, but its portrayal of the double standard regarding what’s considered fair game […]



Capes and Crumpets with Roz Kaveney

May 4th, 2008 · 2 Comments · Blogroll, Blogs, Books, Chicago, Culture, Doctor Who, Journal, LGBT, Lit, Science Fiction, TV

Speaking of people on my blogroll: Pop culture critic, blogger, and transgendered activist extroardinaire Roz Kaveney of Silence Exile and Crumpets was just in town, promoting her new book Superheroes!: Capes and Crusaders in Comics and Films — which I’m hoping to crack the covers of eventually. Roz is brilliant at analyzing the various mechanics […]



After Hours Press Poetry Reading at DvA Gallery, Friday May 2

May 1st, 2008 · 3 Comments · Chicago, Culture, Journal, Lit, News, Performance, Poetry

I’ve been meaning to mention for ages now that I have a poem in the latest issue of the Chicago poetry journal After Hours … and I’ll be reading it in public this Friday night. I’ve always been really bad about actually submitting my poems for publication — I always think, here I am fussing […]



Roundup: Pansies vs. Chair Sniffers Edition

May 1st, 2008 · 1 Comment · Comedy, Culture, Doctor Who, Factory Farming, Food, Gender, LGBT, Nature, News, Organic Food, Politics, Racism, Religion, Roundup, Science, TV, Video

A little sampler platter for you, my pretties … First up, a brilliant post by Hunter on Daily Kos: Things I have learned during this campaign season: In a race that includes a former First Lady of the United States and a multimillionaire Republican senator rumored to share up to eight residences with his wife, […]

