
News, culture, and politics. Not necessarily in that order.

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Entries Tagged as 'Video'

B-52’s Funplex Roundup

April 9th, 2008 · 2 Comments · Chicago, Culture, Film, LGBT, Music, New Wave, News, TV, Video

So the new B-52’s album Funplex has been out for a couple of weeks now and is getting hot-pink rave reviews everywhere. Of course all during the recent period when I was busy not blogging I was wanting to post all sorts of breathless updates and links about it. But the truth is Astralwerks seems […]



Schadenfreudian Hillarity

April 8th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Blogs, Chicago, Comedy, Culture, Fringe, News, Performance, Politics, Video

In case you haven’t seen any of these yet, my pals at Schadenfreude (who I love despite the fact that they terrify me sometimes) are doing a good job of capturing the current logic of the Hillary campaign in video.   These are turning up all over Greater Blogistania and one of the other installments […]



The ABC’s of Early 80’s Mo-Romance

February 15th, 2008 · 3 Comments · Culture, Fiction, Film, LGBT, Lit, Music, New Wave, TV, Video

And now for something a little on the lighter side — and a nice follow-up to Valentine’s Day. ABC’s “All of My Heart” + Brideshead Revisited = high school drama club heaven, circa 1982. Possibly the best combination since peanut butter and chocolate … the British horror of peanut butter notwithstanding. (Note: This may not […]



Mid-January Frosted Mini-Roundup

January 17th, 2008 · 3 Comments · Adobe, Blogs, Cats, Comedy, Comics, Culture, Internet, Journal, LGBT, Meta, Mr. Blue, Music, New Wave, News, Online Communities, Politics, Roundup, Social Media/Social Networking, Tech, The Economy, Stupid, Theater, Video

I’m starting to worry that Ocelopotamus has become like that stock old-man character from sitcoms and things, who falls asleep for a while and then wakes up sputtering and tries to pick the conversation up wherever it was five minutes ago, as if no time has passed. On the other hand, it’s heartening that I […]



Music: The Swingers, “Counting the Beat”

January 3rd, 2008 · 3 Comments · Blogs, Culture, Music, New Wave, Video

Crazy busy with work this week, but here’s a little video fun to keep the Ocelopotamus happy — Phil Judd’s post-Split Enz group the Swingers, doing “Counting the Beat”! Good heavens, I love this song. It was one of my weekly staples back when I was spinning at Club Foot (Sunday nights, “New Toys for […]



Keith Olbermann Reads Tom Tomorrow

December 2nd, 2007 · Comments Off on Keith Olbermann Reads Tom Tomorrow · Comedy, Comics, Culture, Media, News, Politics, TV, Video

Here are your Sunday funnies, courtesy of Keith Olbermann reading Tom Tomorrow channeling Bill O’Reilly, bestowing The Falafel Truth upon America’s young people.   *** UPDATE: Should have included this before — you can read the whole cartoon here.  



Best. Protest. Ever.

November 22nd, 2007 · 2 Comments · Activism, Culture, Human Rights, News, Politics, Torture, TV, Video

Brilliant. Just brilliant. Watch Abu Gonzales get completely pwned by some students.   Today I’m thankful that, despite the best efforts of Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, and the rest of their horde, there are still young people in the world who are able to pierce the veil of truthiness and do stuff like […]



Flight of the Conchords

November 20th, 2007 · 1 Comment · Comedy, Culture, Music, TV, Video

Oh my heavens, these guys are wonderful. I just bumped Flight of the Conchords to the top of my Netflix queue. “Bret You Got It Goin’ On”:   … boom ow ow. I think sometimes you hear what you want to hear. “Think About It”:   Those two both via Candorville. And now, because we […]



Support the Writers Guild Strike

November 7th, 2007 · 2 Comments · Activism, Comedy, Culture, Film, Heroes, History, Labor, News, Science Fiction, TV, Video

Here’s a snappy little video explaining why.   As Miss Laura notes, the writers have even tried relaxing their demand for that luxurious extra 4 cents per DVD. They said they’d be willing to settle for the measly 4 cents they’re already getting, if they can just please be paid for their work on Internet […]



Coming in November: The History of Chicago Punk on Film

October 26th, 2007 · 4 Comments · Chicago, Culture, Film, History, Illinois, Music, New Wave, Peoria, Video

My friend and colleague Chris Tillman and her husband Joe Losurdo, working under the name Regressive Films, have collaborated on a new documentary about the history of punk rock in Chicago. Titled You Weren’t There — A History Of Chicago Punk 1977-1984, the film will have its world premiere on Saturday, November 24 at the […]



The War on Halloween, Anderson Cooper, and Keith Olbermann’s O’Reilly Defense Initiative

October 22nd, 2007 · 8 Comments · Climate Change, Comedy, Culture, Journalism, Media, Politics, Video

Here’s a little video roundup to keep you entertained while I try to scrape together the time to post something more substantial. First off, Mr. Colbert points out the enormous black-and-orange elephant in the living room … the War on Halloween! That’s not going to be very popular in the candy corn belt.  He really […]



On My Reading List: Naomi Klein’s New Book, The Shock Doctrine

October 16th, 2007 · 1 Comment · Activism, Books, Climate Change, Culture, Film, Foreign Policy, Human Rights, Infrastructure, Journalism, News, Politics, TV, Video

Daily Kos has a review up of Naomi Klein’s new book The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Harper’s ran an excerpt from The Shock Doctrine in the October issue which was, as the DKos review says, riveting, and immediately put the book on my must-read list. I’m planning to pick up a copy […]



The Bowie Video Vault: Live “‘Heroes,'” “My Death,” and “Fashion”

October 16th, 2007 · Comments Off on The Bowie Video Vault: Live “‘Heroes,'” “My Death,” and “Fashion” · Culture, Music, New Wave, Video

This is a gorgeous live version of Bowie’s “‘Heroes’” that gets better as it goes. A really nice contemporary-sounding take on the song (so good I don’t even miss the synth, which is saying something), and a very graceful performance of it by Mr. Jones. The YouTube page doesn’t say where it’s taken from — […]



The Golden Compass: Official Trailer and Featurette on Daemons

October 12th, 2007 · 3 Comments · Books, Culture, Fantasy, Fiction, Film, Lit, Music, News, Science Fiction, TV, Ursula K. Le Guin, Video

The official/final trailer for The Golden Compass is out, and the more I see of this film the better it looks. I am somewhere between guardedly optimistic and completely geeked out.   Also, here’s a nice little featurette called “Defining Daemons,” which looks at the animal companion-spirits that accompany the characters on their journeys.   […]

