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And If You Let Me Stay … We’ll Dance Our Lives Away!

April 9th, 2007 · 1 Comment · Blogroll, Blogs, Comedy, Culture, Music, TV, Video

Aaron posted the truly fabulous video of Debbie Harry performing “Call Me” on the Muppet Show … because nothing says “male escort work” like brightly colored hand puppets! But I have to say, my all-time favorite Muppet Show musical number is still Leo Sayer dancing with a giant green bird.

Bonus: Leo many, many years later: “I’m leaving because they won’t provide me underwear. I’ve had enough. This is unsanitary, it’s unclean, it’s bullshit.”


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  • Aaron

    Yeah, Leo was great on the Muppet Show too. I liked when he sang “When I Need You” in the tree.

    My favorite part of that Leo Sayer/Big Brother thing (besides his foul-mouthed, over-the-top rant, that is) was Dirk Benedict offering to let Leo have some of his underwear. “I haven’t worn it.”

    I would only want it if he HAD worn it, of course. Even though he wasn’t the same Dirk whose shirtless Teen Beat centerfold I gazed at for days when I was 11 (and nobody had a clue?), he still looks pretty damn good for being over 60. Well, except for the obviously horribly dyed black hair…