From the profile of Putin’s protégé (if that’s what we’re calling it), Dmitry A. Medvedev, in this morning’s New York Times:
Short, boyish with a tuft of brown hair and sometimes described as socially awkward, Mr. Medvedev is also praised for a sharp and lawyerly intellect.
Awww … tuft! Don’t you just want to tousle him?
He’s really just like Dennis the Menace. Except — Russian, and a lawyer, and … scary.
Also, check out the pictures of this guy. There is definitely a painting in an attic somewhere. (I wonder if Pootie Poot will have him posing for shirtless photos soon?)
And, just so you can cross it off your signs-of-the-apocalypse scavenger hunt:
He has also let drop some hints that he indeed belongs to a younger generation: Mr. Medvedev is a fan of heavy metal and attended a Scorpions concert in St. Petersburg this year.
I weep for the future.
And I’m trying to purge from my mind the image of a young President Medvedev speaking before the Russian legislature, and doing that “rock the devil” hand sign that the heavy metal/classic rock/camaro mullet dudes all do, while the assembled politicians hold up their lighters.
Because you know it’s just a matter of time.
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