
News, culture, and politics. Not necessarily in that order.

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Senator Larry Craig vs. Avenue Q, and Butch Otter Goes Shopping

August 31st, 2007 · 4 Comments · Comedy, Culture, Journalism, Media, Performance, Politics, Theater, Video

Proving that the Republican Party truly is just one big puppet show:

… I can’t find it now, but I swear that at some point in the 24 hours after the Craig story broke, there was a headline referring to him as “Toilet Sex Senator.”

And of course my first thought was that The Toilet Sex Senators would be the best name for a punk band ever.

Also: Do you suppose that the governor of Idaho, Butch Otter, ever goes shopping at Crafty Beaver?

The only thing that could possibly be more magical would be if “Rocky Raccoon” were playing on the sound system while Butch Otter shopped at Crafty Beaver.

And then suddenly, over a stack of lumber, he locked eyes with his one true love: Femme Gazelle.

It could happen.


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