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The Invisible Front Runner in the Living Room

April 11th, 2007 · 2 Comments · LGBT, Media, News, Politics

Despite the ongoing media narrative that the race for the 2008 Democratic nomination is a two-person race between Hillary and Obama, the latest Rassmussen poll shows Edwards beating every single Republican contender by at least six points.

Let me say that again. John Edwards currently beats all Republican contenders by at least six points in direct matchups.

Edwards (49%) Giuliani (43%)
Edwards (50%) Huckabee (41%)
Edwards (47%) McCain (38%)
Edwards (55%) Romney (29%)
Edwards (50%) Thompson (36%)

By contrast, Hillary and Obama both trail Giuliani by 1 point, and McCain ties Obama.

Amazing how the mainstream media keeps conveniently glossing over the candidate who’s currently most effective against the Repubs. Yes, what an amusing little coincidence that is. Funny old world!

Oh, also, Edwards has the highest favorable rating of all three candidates (he’s at 57% versus 54% Obama and 48% Hillary) and the lowest unfavorable rating (35% versus 36% for Obama and a whopping 50% for Hillary.)

EDWARDS: 57% / 35%
HILLARY: 48% / 50%
OBAMA: 54%/ 36%

Why exactly is Hillary running again? At least half the country have already made up their minds that they can’t stand her, and it’s not like they haven’t had years and years and years to arrive at that conclusion. How on earth does she think she’s going to turn that around? Does she think the press will suddenly start going easier on her and making her seem likeable once she becomes the Democratic nominee? Because, you know, that would be so just like them!

Related: 25 gay leaders endorse John Edwards.


2 Comments so far ↓

  • Aaron

    She really screwed herself when she hedged her bets by supporting the Iraq war. The universal health care thing is really all she has going for her anymore. Other than that, she really comes off as completely unmarketable.

    I’d be tempted to say that Edwards’ poll numbers were a sympathetic reaction to his wife’s cancer, except that he even beats out many of the Republican candidates as well. (Also, there’s a poll announced today that says most Americans prefer that Gore not run in 2008. Maybe because we’re so unused to Presidents doing anything useful that we don’t want to interrupt his important conservation work with Presidency? :-))

  • Ocelopotamus

    All of the Republican candidates. Edwards is currently beating all of the Republicans. That’s the amazing part to me.

    If I’d had to guess blind-folded, I would have thought that Obama would be doing a little better in the head-to-heads just because he’s had so much more publicity, but it isn’t the case.

    And yeah, I agree about Gore. He’s doing much more good for the environment out of office than he ever did for it when he was in office … maybe people don’t want to mess with that.