
News, culture, and politics. Not necessarily in that order.

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Entries from March 31st, 2007

News Roundup: “An Exceptionally Heavy
Spaghetti Crop”

March 31st, 2007 · 3 Comments · Activism, Apple, Business, Climate Change, Comedy, Culture, Factory Farming, Feminism, Film, Food, Health, HIV/AIDS, iTunes, LGBT, Media, Music, News, Politics, Science, Tech, TV, Video

Here’s a little smorgasbord of items I wanted to blog this past week, and didn’t get the chance to. Because unlike spaghetti, time to blog doesn’t grow on trees! John Nichols of The Nation asks whether we’re nearing an “Impeachment Moment,” noting that the I-word is finally being discussed — if not exactly embraced — […]



In Chicago: Even in Blackouts, LIP,
and The Dollar Store Show

March 30th, 2007 · Comments Off on In Chicago: Even in Blackouts, LIP,
and The Dollar Store Show
· Chicago, Culture, Fringe, Music, Neo-Futurists, News, Performance, Poetry, The Partly Dave Show

What’s going on in Chicago this coming week? Almost too much for one imaginary tree-climbing pachyderm to blog. But here are a few highlights: On Monday night, the world’s best acoustic pop-punk outfit, John Pierson’s band Even in Blackouts, will be playing a basement concert in John’s own basement! It’s at [address redacted now that […]



Mia Farrow on Darfur, Divestment,
and the 2008 Olympics in Beijing

March 30th, 2007 · 1 Comment · Activism, Business, Culture, Film, Foreign Policy, Human Rights, News, Peace, Politics

Mia Farrow, in her role as a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN, seems to be taking a real leadership role in drawing attention to the genocide in Darfur and putting pressure on those who have the ability to do something about it. Earlier this week she had a great op-ed in The Boston Globe (free […]



The Roosters of the Peace

March 30th, 2007 · 2 Comments · Culture, Nature, Peace, Video

And now for something completely different: Two chickens break up a fight between two rabbits. And we’ve got the video. You go, peace roosters! What would El-ahrairah do?



The Deep Dish Approach to Solar Power

March 30th, 2007 · Comments Off on The Deep Dish Approach to Solar Power · Climate Change, Energy, News, Politics, Science, Tech

Here comes the sun: Sicily is building the world’s first solar power plant! According to a deal signed by the Italian government this week, the plant should by operational by 2009: The project is named Archimedes, after the famous resident of the nearby city of Syracuse. The existing gas-fired power plant on the site will […]



Music: Split Enz & Sparks

March 29th, 2007 · 4 Comments · Blogroll, Blogs, Culture, Music, New Wave, Performance

Ooh, I think it’s high time for another musical interlude, before Ocelopotamus goes into New Wave withdrawal. We don’t want the Ocelopotamus getting antsy, hissing and splashing around in some kind of hypo-wave-onic panic and scaring the crocodiles. In fact, let’s start off with a welcoming doff of the cap to all of Ocelopotamus’s new […]



Brzezinski on Iraq: Escalation Is “A Nonstarter.”

March 29th, 2007 · 2 Comments · Foreign Policy, History, Media, News, Peace, Politics

The April issue of Harper’s Magazine has a lengthy transcript of remarks by Zbigniew Brzezinski speaking before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Feb. 1. Brzezinski was the National Security Adviser in the Carter Administration, and is currently a professor of foreign policy at Johns Hopkins University. I’m no expert on Brzezinski, and reading over […]



Mandarin Dynamite!

March 29th, 2007 · 2 Comments · Culture, Film, Food, Journal, Science

I was at the Whole Foods yesterday and they had something called a “Meyer’s Lemon” in the produce section, which looked like a lemon only much orangerer, and a helpful sign explained that it is indeed a cross between a lemon and an orange, developed in China. My question: if you create a cross between […]



Seals, Global Warming, and the Canadian Seafood Boycott

March 29th, 2007 · Comments Off on Seals, Global Warming, and the Canadian Seafood Boycott · Activism, Climate Change, Food, News, Politics, Science

Canada is gearing up for its brutal annual slaughter of baby seals, setting its highest quota ever at a time when the seal populations are also threatened by climate change. Harp and hooded seals rely on the presence of sea ice, on which they give birth to and nurse their pups. But over the past […]



News: The Hidden Cost of Margarine

March 27th, 2007 · 4 Comments · Adobe, Climate Change, Comics, Culture, Internet, Media, Music, News, Performance, Politics, Science, Software, Tech

• Orangutans may be extinct within five years, thanks to a soaring demand for palm oil leading to the destruction of their forest habitat. This situation needs to be addressed in product labeling somehow, so consumers can know that they’re buying sustainable, “orangutan and rainforest-safe” palm oil. Via this DKos diary. • Here’s a fascinating […]



Doctor Who Fires Up the Tardis

March 26th, 2007 · 1 Comment · Culture, Doctor Who, News, Science Fiction, TV

It’s a good week to be a Whovian — Season 3 of Russell T. Davies’ new Doctor Who series premieres on the BBC next Sunday, March 31. And a fourth season has been greenlit for 2008! Hello Magazine has some tantalizing details about the premiere of Season 3, which will introduce the Doctor’s new sidekick […]



Last Week’s Three Best Video Kerfuffles

March 26th, 2007 · 5 Comments · Climate Change, Culture, Film, Human Rights, Media, News, Politics, Torture, TV

I don’t know what was in the air last week, but it was a banner week for jaw-dropping altercations, smackdowns and ruckuses (should that be ruckae?) caught on video. Here are the three that made a biggest impression on me. 1. Boxer vs. Inhofe vs. Gore. Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe is one of those guys […]



The Waterboys: Mike Scott in The Guardian, and new album Book of Lightning

March 26th, 2007 · 2 Comments · Books, Culture, History, Journal, Lit, Music, Mythology, Neo-Futurists, News, Performance, Poetry, Travel

Mike Scott, singer, songwriter, and bandleader of The Waterboys, has a thoughtful and entertaining piece in The Guardian recounting his experiences trying to correct errors in the band’s entry on Wikipedia. Meanwhile, the Waterboys have a new album coming out in April! It’s called Book of Lightning and you can hear samples of a couple […]



Puck Soup: Wolfgang Puck Gets a Shiny New Conscience

March 26th, 2007 · Comments Off on Puck Soup: Wolfgang Puck Gets a Shiny New Conscience · Activism, Business, Factory Farming, Food, Health, News, Politics

I haven’t exactly been a fan of Wolfgang Puck, to put it mildly, because in the past he’s been a major promoter of animal cruelty — he bears a lot of responsibility for the popularization of foie gras over the last few years. I give his restaurant in Evanston a wide berth, and have been […]

